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CMCEE - International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications, May 20-23, 2012, Dresden, Germany



CMCEE - International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications

Welcome to the 10th CMCEE!

With your participation we look forward once again to discussing the most important questions in the field of 'ceramic components and materials for energy and environmental technology', to gaining new knowledge and to identifying future trends in advanced ceramics science and technology.

We cordially invite you to visit Dresden. Besides its landscape beauty, Dresden currently is one of the most important hot spots of research in Germany and Europe with an enormous density of research institutes and scientists, Dresden offers a very pleasant environment for a successful symposium in 2012.

Right after the symposium you also will have the opportunity to visit the CERAMITEC 2012 fair in Munich. We are proud that we were able to win CERAMITEC, one of the most important exhibition fairs on technical ceramics, as co organizer of CMCEE allowing us to offer you a combined program in Dresden in Munich. With a special symposium package we offer organized transfer to Munich, one of the most beautiful cities of Germany.

We look forward to seeing you in Dresden and Munich.

The organizing committee of the 10th CMCEE:

Prof. Dr. Alexander Michaelis


Institute Director
IKTS - Fraunhofer Institute for
Ceramic Technologies and Systems
Dresden, Germany


Dr. Mrityunjay Singh


Chief Scientist
Ohio Aerospace Institute,
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland/OH, USA


Prof. Dr. Tatsuki Ohji


Prime Senior Research Scientist
National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST)
Nagoya, Japan




Location of the 10th CMCEE

Dresden: Hotbed of culture, science, and high technology

Spirited intellectual exchange is a tradition in this internationally known artistic and cultural metropolis. Scientific competency and inventiveness have enabled the city to assert itself again and again as a high-tech location. Since as early as the 18th century, Dresden has been shaped by a fruitful association of business and science. Important inventions and developments resulted from this symbiosis. In 1708 Johann Friedrich Böttger developed the technique for making European porcelain here. Based on this tradition Dresden nowadays developed to be the European center of advanced ceramics.

Today the Saxon residence presents itself as a modern city, although even today the buildings from the renaissance, baroque and 19th century, like the Zwinger, the Semper Opera House, the Royal Palace or the Frauenkirche, determine the Elbe front and the face of the city.


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Munich: Host of the CERAMITEC 2012 fair

organized transfer from Dresden to Munich on May 23th, 2012

The 12th International Trade Fair for Machinery, Equipment, Plants, Processes and Raw Materials for CERAMICS and POWDER METALLURGY takes place from 22 to 25 May 2012 at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre. CERAMITEC is the leading trade fair for decision makers in the ceramics industry. It is also known as the trendsetting fair and thus always has a high proportion of international visitors.

Alongside coverage of the traditional ceramic areas, the sections on 'Technical Ceramics' and 'Advanced Ceramics' will be further expanded for CERAMITEC 2012, in order to present to exhibitors and visitors an even broader product portfolio.


Program overview

Sunday, May 20, 2012
15:00-20:00 Registration in organization office
18:00-20:00 Get together in exhibition area
Monday, May 21, 2012
9:00-11:40 Opening talks in auditorium
Lunch break at conference venue
  Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Con 1 Con 2 Con 3 Con 4 Con 5 Con 6
13:30-15:30 L G E A C H N B D
Coffee break at conference venue
16:00-18:00 L G E A C H N B D
Poster session in exhibition area
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
9:00-11:00 I G E A C H N K D
Coffee break at conference venue
11:30-13:00 I G M A C H J K D
Lunch break at conference venue
14:30-16:00 I G M A C H J K D
Coffee break at conference venue
16:30-18:00 I F M A C H J K D
Dinner in banquet hall of the conference venue
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
9:00-11:00 F B M A N H J K D
Coffee break at conference venue
11:30-13:00 F B M A N H A K D
Lunch break at conference venue
14:30 Transfer to Munich (optional) or
Fraunhofer IKTS tour
optional (Munich package)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
9:00-18:00 Access to CERAMITEC 2012 and Symposium "Advanced ceramics"
at New Munich Trade Fair Centre
18:00-21:00 Bavarian evening at New Munich Trade Fair Centre



Sessions (legend)

A SOFC materials and technology
B Energy harvesting systems
C High-temperature ceramic filters and membranes
D Advanced structural ceramics for energy and environmental technology
E Ceramic materials and systems for energy conversion and storage
F Ceramic coatings for structural, environmental and functional applications – Ceramic spray coating
G Ceramic coatings for structural, environmental and functional applications – Ceramic thin films
H Novel, green and energy efficient processing and manufacturing technologies
I Advanced functional ceramic materials and systems
J Nanoscaled ceramic powders and fibers, their properties and applications
K Precursor derived ceramics
L Persistent phosphors and luminescent materials
M Ceramic matrix composites (CMC)
N Transparent ceramics



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Conference Website: http://www.cmcee12.de

Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Werkstoffnamen
(Werkstoffe für die thermische Energiespeicherung).
Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Märkten,
auf denen Werkstoffe aus Metallschaum gebraucht werden.
Unternehmen: finden von Möglichkeiten, um den
Abfüllvorgang einer hochviskosen Flüssigkeit zu beschleunigen.
Kommune mit > 500.000 Einwohnern: finden von regionalen
IT-Unternehmen und clustern der Interessen
Unternehmen: automatisches Verschlagworten
von Dokumenten im Intranet
Unternehmen: Vergleich des internen Wissens
mit dem Wissen von Wettbewerbern.
EU-Projekt einer Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft:
Verfahren, um Regionen mit gleichen Kenntnissen und
Interessen sichtbar zu machen.
IHK: finden von regionalen Automobilzulieferern
und clustern der Interessen
Hochschule: finden von passenden Partnern
für ein EU-Entwicklungsvorhaben.
Unternehmen: Innovationsaudit zur Ausrichtung
der Unternehmensstrategie auf Megatrends.
Ablagesystem für studentische Abschlussarbeiten
Expansion und / oder Marktanpassung im Verlauf einer Unternehmensnachfolge
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